We’re celebrating our 10 year anniversary!
In 2014, Barrington Area Educators Credit Union, New Trier Federal Credit Union, Niles Township Schools Credit Union, and VAMCO Credit Union united and formed Partnership Financial Credit Union.
There were celebrations throughout 2024 to recognize the founding offices on their 10 year anniversary date of joining PFCU. On these special days, each and every office gave away a commemorative 10 year anniversary item or a treat. These were the dates:
•April 1st: Niles Township Schools Credit Union (Morton Grove)
•May 1st: Barrington Area Educators Credit Union
•July 1st: New Trier (Evanston)
•Oct. 1st: Vamco (Des Plaines)
We also celebrated two other important events: the addition of Leyden and Glenview Credit Unions. Once again, all offices gave members a treat or anniversary item on:
•June 3rd: the 3 year anniversary of Leyden Credit Union (Franklin Park) joining PFCU
•Aug. 1st: the 4 year anniversary of Glenview Credit Union joining PFCU
Thank you, members, and here’s to 10 great years of PFCU!