Our Community

Food Pantry

“Even in our affluent communities there are many people, young, elderly and in-between, who do not have the resources to feed themselves or their families adequately.” At Partnership Financial Credit Union, we want to make sure that every person has the food they need to sustain themselves. Each fall PFCU has a food drive for the different food pantries in the greater Chicago area.  We thank you in advance for your contributions to those in need.

Toys For Tots

Every year from mid November  through mid December, PFCU joins in on the Holiday cheer by collecting for the Toys For Tots campaign. During this time we accept new, unwrapped toys for collection in our lobby. Please donate if you can, your gifts to those less fortunate during the holiday season is significantly valued.

The Lions Club

Donate glasses and change someone’s life. Imagine if you could help a child read, an adult succeed in his or her job, a senior maintain his or her independence, and provide a community with more opportunities to grow and thrive. Please help us service the Lions Club by donating your used eyeglasses. We have a collection box located in our lobby (Morton Grove Office), we thank you in advance for any and all donations.

Saving the Environment

Did you know that old batteries can harm the environment if not disposed of properly? Not sure what to do with them? Let us take care of them for you. PFCU has a collection box in our lobby for used batteries that are in need of disposal. All collected batteries are disposed with a SWANCC  processor. This is a great opportunity to properly dispose of used batteries in an environmentally responsible manner (excludes auto batteries.)

Give a Hand and Save a Paw

Each Spring PFCU collects donations for local animal shelters in need. We are happy to support Animal House Shelter (Huntley, IL), Evanston Animal Shelter and Wright Way Rescue (Morton Grove, IL) with the help of our members.